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Most-Promising Job Roles to Work Remotely

It’s not a secret: remote jobs are skyrocketing today. The benefits of working remotely keep attracting millions of job seekers worldwide, so the job market is evolving along with the digital era.

But who benefits the most from this? What roles will gain the advantage in the present and future? In this article, we’ll tell you about three of the most promising job roles today, with the best expectations for tomorrow.

Most-Promising Job Roles to Work Remotely

1.    Software Programmer

Software developers are pioneers of remote work. After so many years of work, it’s no wonder they have some of the highest-paying jobs you can do from home.

Creating a software developer resume is straightforward if you focus on your skills for a specific position. In addition, salaries for these professionals can be over $90,000 per year, according to Glassdoor in the US.

2.    Web Developer

Websites have always been present in the world of work since the advent of the Internet. One of the best-paid jobs is the development of these for different companies, companies, brands, and agencies, among others.

Due to the high demand in this sector, it is one of the jobs you can do remotely from the comfort of your home in any country. It requires a great deal of experience and knowledge of different web development programs, but you can earn salaries over $80,000 in the United States, according to Talently.

3.    Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants have one of the most versatile jobs of all those that can be performed remotely, as they adapt to the needs of their bosses, being able to perform all kinds of tasks necessary to lighten the workload of their superiors.

Such versatility allows you to work for one or more people and/or companies that have different approaches altogether. This makes it an excellent choice for hundreds of people.

Moreover, depending on the area, you can start working without any previous experience whatsoever, making it one of the best-paid remote jobs for which students opt. In terms of salary, you can earn up to 15,000 dollars a month, depending on the job.

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Categories: Digital Nomad

About the author

Helena Steller

I am Helena Steller, Graduate in Human Resources and digital nomad since 2015. I am here to help you achieve your goals and make better decisions for your trips and work. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

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